
Murugan's Path


Welcome to Aaiyyanism

Congratulations, you have reached the site of the Worldwide Spiritually Enlightened Dravidian Masters, and the philosophical teachings of Murugan Aaiyyan. We are Murugan worshipers and we are the foremost masters of Jnana Siddhi Yoga and we want to share our teachings with you.

For the first time in 3500 years the great spiritual secret works of the 12 master Gurus can be read in English. Translated By Guru Jnanadipa Bhariri and then revealed to Guru Ud-Aaiyyan these works are available online to offer you spiritual enlightenment, philosophical discourse, heightening of ones psychic abilities, curse removal, spiritual protection, lifetime success and healing (both spiritual and physical). The fact that you have found this page shows us that you are a special soul chosen to follow the path of Aaiyyan and attain Moksa (enlightenment).

The Aaiyyan World Foundation is based in Tamil Nadu in India; though we have numerous followers and supporters from around the world: including the USA, Europe, South America and Africa. The Aaiyyanists live in the spiritual plane, not the material one so all our work is free and we do not hold any physical assets such as money or property. We rely on the goodwill of our supporters and the many volunteers who work for and with us. To avoid sectarianism between the various schools of thought, the best way to contact us is via our email address: info@aaiyyan.org We look forward to hearing from you.

This site is created by Aaiyyanists (with the help of Aaiyyan World Foundation) to create a web presence for Aaiyyanism and allow a forum for Aaiyyanists and Non-Aaiyyanists worldwide to discuss and debate and share ideas and ideals. We do have this website hosted currently for a small charge, but that may change in the future and we sometimes need the expertise of professional web developers and new machines. Also, we are always looking for new forms of promoting the faith (without trying to be too egotistical about it). If you would like to support us financially - please become a supporter on our Patreon Site. There are many great rewards including access to Aaiyyan Stones, High Quality Yantras, eBooks, training material, podcast transcripts and much more material than this site can offer.

For Dravidian Aaiyyani speakers a link to our original Dravidian Aaiyyani site can be found here. Please note the Dravidian Aaiyyani script will only render using a modern browser: IE11, Chrome or later.

We hope your journey into Murugan Aaiyyanism continues on throughout your life to help you and us become One.


Jnana Siddhi Yoga

The Hindu Aaiyyanists are the foremost masters of Jnana Siddhi Yoga (the Yoga of Knowledge) and we need to spread the teachings. The Aaiyyan Foundation very rarely accepts donations. The teachings of Aaiyyan do allow us to accept small gifts in the name of the Aaiyyan religion in order to spread the message to the wider community. We use our donations to spread the ideas of Aaiyyanism in the printed form (i.e. in books and pamphlets); or in maintaining our retreats and schools where spiritual adepts can acquire further Aaiyyanist knowledge. However, the Aaiyyanist does not exist in the material plane: he/she exists in the spiritual plane only; but we do need physical aid in order to transmit our ideas into the physical world so any help we can get would be greatly appreciated. Having said that - the Aaiyyan World Foundation is currently only accepting volunteer work and not monetary donations, except via our Patreon site. See below.

Further Reading

We are in the process of taking the divinely revealed Murugan Aaiyyanist texts and converted them into Ebooks on various sites including Amazon and allowing them to be available for free or a small price. We are also making available our mystical Aaiyyan stones and talismans for the first time for one year only as an exercise in seeing how our Dravidian Siddhi works in the wider community. See the products section for more info.

Join us to become One!

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